International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2025 | Month: February | Volume: 12 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 265-271

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20250230

The Effect of Plate and Magnetic Field’s Inclination on Fluid Temperature of an MHD Free Convective Poiseuille Flow

Dr. Richard Opiyo1, Mbai J. Mutia2

1,2Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics Maseno University, Kenya

Corresponding Author: Mbai J. Mutia


This study investigated the effect of plate and magnetic field inclination on the fluid temperature of an MHD-free convective Poiseuille flow. The plates were inclined at an angle  to the fluid flow, while the magnetic field was inclined at an angle  to the -axis. Besides, the fluid was assumed to be viscous, incompressible and could conduct electricity. A suitable mathematical model describing the problem was first formulated from the heat equation. The resultant model was a differential equation and was solved numerically using the shooting technique and the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method implemented in Mathematica Software. Results were graphed and interpreted. The temperature decreased as the magnetic angle of inclination, Eckert number, Prandtl number, and Hartmann number rose; a rising temperature accompanied an increasing Reynolds number. The results are applicable in industries where external magnet is used as a regulatory mechanism.

Keywords: Temperature, free convective, inclination, MHD, poiseuille flow, runge-kutta method.

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