International Journal of Research and Review

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Review Paper

Year: 2021 | Month: September | Volume: 8 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 588-593

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20210974

Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence: A Fusion Poised to Transform Technology

Deekshitha Kosaraju

Independent Researcher, Texas, USA


The intersection of Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) signifies a moment in the advancement of computing technologies. While both technologies have individually made progress in their respective domains their combination is poised to redefine the limits of computational capabilities. This piece delves into the merger of quantum computing with AI promising not only to boost computational speeds but also to tackle intricate problems that current classical computing methods struggle to solve. We will explore how this integration is anticipated to drive progress across various sectors such as healthcare, potentially enabling quicker and more precise diagnostic systems; finance, capable of transforming risk evaluation and fraud detection; and cybersecurity, presenting opportunities for unbreakable encryption. The conversation extends to the effects on drug discovery, climate prediction and artificial general intelligence envisioning a future where quantum technologies exponentially enhance AIs capabilities. This summary sets the stage for an examination of how the amalgamation of quantum computing and AI could herald an era of technological innovation fundamentally reshaping our problem-solving approaches, for some of society’s most urgent issues.

Keywords: Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Super Artificial Intelligence, Quantum AI, Technology Transformation

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