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Research Paper

Year: 2018 | Month: November | Volume: 5 | Issue: 11 | Pages: 55-60

Symbols, Meaning, and Functions of Simalungun Hiou: Semiotic Studies

Warisman Sinaga, Yos Rizal, Ramlan Damanik

Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatra Utara

Corresponding Author: Warisman Sinaga


Semiotics is the study of sign; every sign or symbol has meaning or message to be conveyed by a communicator to his communicant. The semiotics in this research is used as a method of text analysis when the research tries to study the meanings, symbols and motives of the Simalungun’s hiou. The purpose of the research is to analyze the social values of the hiou. Barthes’ approach as well as Saussure’s theory were used in the study. The oral data collection involved conversation method which was followed by stimulating, advance/face-to-face conversation, tapping, and writing techniques. Furthermore, the technique used skillfully followed by the technique of recording and technique record. The written data used observation method which was followed by tapping and writing technique. The research results are presented in narrative form with formal and informal methods. In this research, seven kinds of hiou, such as, among imput ni hirik, bintang maratur, ragi santik, suri suri nanggar suasah, hati rongga, ragi panei, and simangkat angkat are found and have different meanings and uses.

Key words: hiou, semiotics, motive, Batak Simalungun

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