International Journal of Research and Review

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Review Article

Year: 2017 | Month: May | Volume: 4 | Issue: 5 | Pages: 37-39

A Review Paper on Financial Management and Financial Manager

Dr G.M. Purani

Associate Professor, Arts and Commerce College, Piparia, Vadodara, Gujarat.


Without fund, organizational strength is not possible. Fund management in every business is very important function in a present commercial environment. Active and proficient fund management covers application and utilization of fund. Fund to be utilized in such a way to generate more revenues for the business. Sometimes, idol fund may create vilest condition of the business. Potential sources to be scrutinized for rise of fund. It is qualitative and prudent function of financial managers to take decision regarding how, when, what, how much fund to be utilized. Distribution of fund requires expertise, experience and qualification of financial professional, fund should be distributed in such a manner to meet financial obligation timely and accurately. It should be distributed as liquid based fund and capital based fund. Liquid based fund allocated to short term resources for meeting out of short term liabilities like meeting out of day to day expenses, payment of suppliers, tax payment to government authority and capital based fund allocated to long term resources for meeting out of long term obligation like repayment of debentures, equity share holders, long term loans etc.

Key words: Financial management, Financial manager.

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