International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2025 | Month: February | Volume: 12 | Issue: 2 | Pages: 222-233

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20250226

Social Construction of Youth in Gelangan Village Magelang City Towards the Jathilan Cultural Arts

Kautsar Irbah Falah Akbar1, Dewi Liesnoor Setyowati2, Hamdan Tri Atmaja3

1Master Program, Student of Social Sciences Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
2,3Master Program, of Social Sciences Education, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Kautsar Irbah Falah Akbar


The exponential development of technology has had a significant social impact, notably among the younger generation. Smartphone addiction has increased individualism in society, lowering awareness of local culture preservation. However, an interesting phenomenon occurred in Gelangan Village, Magelang City, where the youth in the Jathilan Satrio Budhoyo Mudho community still maintain and preserve the traditional art of Jathilan. This research analyzed the social construction of youth in Gelangan Village towards Jathilan art. This research employed a qualitative approach involving the community mentors as the key informants. This research was conducted on the Jathilan Satrio Budhoyo Mudho art community in Gelangan Village, Magelang Tengah Sub-district, Magelang City, with data collection methods through observation, interview, and documentation. The results showed that the social construction of youth towards Jathilan art culture in the Jathilan Satrio Budhoyo Mudho art community in Gelangan Village illustrated a dynamic and complex process. In the internalization stage, the youth in this community adopt norms, values, and knowledge about Jathilan from their family and social environment. This process began early in life through stories, experiences, and direct practice involving parents and mentors. Furthermore, in the objectivation stage, the knowledge and values that the youth has internalized become a part of their objective reality. They began to play an active role in the Jathilan Satrio Budhoyo Mudho community through regular participation in rehearsals and performances. At the externalization stage, they expressed the internalized values and knowledge through tangible actions, such as organizing events, promoting Jathilan through social media, and teaching children in the community.

Keywords: Jathilan Traditional Art, Social Construction, Youth

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