International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: September | Volume: 11 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 196-206

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240922

An Enhanced Smart Conveyor of Sequential System Zelio Smart Relay

Mahrizal Masri1, Hermansyah Alam2, Zulfadli Pelawi3

1,2,3Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Hermansyah


There are several ways to set up a single-lane conveyor that must serve the flow of goods (box cartons), especially with a sequential system, there are also sequential and magnetic systems. Both systems can actually run well, it's just that there are several obstacles faced. The obstacle in the sequential system is in the construction of a very complicated control system. The obstacle in the magnetic system is the problem of its arrangement, because if the conveyor setting is to be changed, then you have to come to the conveyor location. So there needs to be a solution for conveyor settings using Zelio Smart Relay (smart relay), by using this tool we are more precise in finding errors both in terms of the ledger diagram. Therefore, how great is the role and function of Zelio Smart Relay (smart relay), in the conveyor arrangement process that has been widely used by contractors in running their projects. project results both through education and training, scientific work meetings, mass media, electronic media, and others. One of the dissemination and use of the results of research projects is through education and training in the form of short courses according to the results of the research project itself. Likewise, it is important and necessary to have a professional organizer in managing the dictates and building the software and hardware so as to provide convenience for the contractors themselves.

Keywords: Conveyor, Zelio Smart Relay (intelligent re-lay), PLC, Logic gate.

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