International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: September | Volume: 11 | Issue: 9 | Pages: 159-168

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240918

The Relationship between Teacher Teaching Quality and the Independent Character and Discipline of Kindergarten Group B Children in Taman District Madiun City

Aini Nur Halimah1, Edi Waluyo2, Diana3

1,2,3Department of early childhood education, Semarang State University, Semarang City, Centra Java, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Aini Nur Halimah


Teachers are the first people to teach students at school. In order for the teaching given by teachers to be useful for students, it is important to have quality teaching given by teachers to students. The teaching that can be given by teachers in kindergarten is independence and discipline, these two characters teach students not to be dependent, confident, initiative, responsible, able to socialize, able to control themselves, and obey the rules. The approach in this study is quantitative and the respondents used were 10 teachers and 66 group B students at Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 3 Kindergarten and Al-Husna 2 Kindergarten, Taman District, Madiun City, the data collection technique used a questionnaire with the results of the validity and reliability test of each question item valid. Data analysis used the product moment correlation hypothesis test. The results show a high percentage of variables with a value of 70% of the teacher's teaching quality, 68% of the child's independent character and 95% of the child's disciplined character, for the significant product moment correlation test the result is 0.00 because <0.05 then there is a relationship between the variables with the hypothesis answer Ho is rejected ha in the theme, the Pearson correlation value is 1, 0.946, 0.400, 0.994, and 0.987 so that the quality of teacher teaching on independent and disciplined characters has a very strong positive relationship.

Keywords: teacher teaching quality, independent character of children, children's discipline character

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