International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: August | Volume: 11 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 568-574

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240860

Bioethanol: Advances, Benefits, and Future Prospects

Miftahul Khairati

Department of Chemical Engineering, Politeknik ATI Padang, Padang, Indonesia./p>


Because of its potential to lower greenhouse gas emissions and lessen reliance on fossil fuels, bioethanol, a renewable energy source made from biological material, has attracted attention from all over the world. This paper offers a thorough examination of the production of bioethanol, with an emphasis on feedstocks, technological developments, environmental effects, and economic factors. Although first-generation bioethanol, which comes from food crops like corn and sugarcane, has been widely used, interest in second- and third-generation bioethanol, which comes from lignocellulosic biomass and algae, has increased due to worries about food security and sustainability. Though there are still obstacles to overcome, especially in terms of cutting costs and enhancing sustainability, advancements in genetic engineering, the discovery of enzymes, and process optimization have improved manufacturing efficiency. Bioethanol has major environmental advantages, such as reduced carbon footprints, but these must be balanced against possible disadvantages like water and land use. Government regulations, market conditions, and feedstock costs all have an impact on how economically viable bioethanol is. Bioethanol is expected to become more and more important in the shift to sustainable energy as research advances, but resource conservation and ongoing innovation are still necessary.

Keywords: Bioethanol, Fermentation, Renewable Energy, Biofuel

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