International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: August | Volume: 11 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 498-512

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240853

Website Based Cafe Operational Management System Design with Agile Development Method Using NX Monorepo Technology Case Study: Serasa Erat Kopi

Yenni Fatman1, Astie Noer Hadiyanti2, Fenny Oktaviani3, Maulana Sodiqin4, Mohammad Nurfahmi Sugiarto5, Randika6

1,2,3,4,5,6Universitas Islam Nusantara, Bandung, Indonesia.

Corresponding Author: Yenni Fatman


The application of technology in the cafe industry is starting to be implemented in terms of ordering aspects to all aspects of operational activities that apply to the cafe. This is done to minimize the problems that occur due to human negligence so that it becomes efficient and more organized. Serasa Erat Kafe is the focus of research in designing a website-based operational management system that will be built using NX Monorepo technology. The application of NX Monorepo is expected to structure web application development in a more structured, organized, and modular manner. In addition, the Agile Development Method is applied to adjust to changes and needs in system development. The result of this research is an integrated website that provides benefits for customers, baristas, and cafe owners. There are three views for users to make it easier for users to use the website, such as mobile for cafe customers, tab for cafe baristas, and desktop for cafe owners. This development is a solution to revamping the cafe management system so that business operational needs can be adjusted to the expenses that occur daily. In addition, customers' views can be accessed through barcodes available at their respective tables, allowing them to easily access the website and place orders without queuing or the hassle of additional services.

Keywords: technology, cafe operations management, efficiency, NX Monorepo, Agile Development

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