International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: August | Volume: 11 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 392-396

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240842

The Image of a Mother in the Poem Ibu by Chairil Anwar and the Poem Pulang by Isbedy Stiawan (An Intertextual Study)

Iraliya Ningsih1, Sumarti2, Edi Suyanto3, Siti Samhati4, Munaris5

1,2,3,4,5Department of Indonesian language and literature education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Lampung University, Lampung, Indonesia.

Corresponding Author: Iraliya Ningsih


This study aims to describe the image of the mother in the poem Ibu by Chairil Anwar and the poem Pulang by Isbedy Stiawan. The data sources in this research are the poem Ibu by Chairil Anwar and the poem Pulang by Isbedy Stiawan. This study uses an intertextuality approach. This study found a relationship between the image of the mother figure in the two poems. The results showed that there were similarities and differences in the poet's views in expressing a mother's love.

Keywords: Mother's image, poetry, intertextual

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