International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: August | Volume: 11 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 349-357

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240837

Nanotechnology: A Catalyst for Political Transformation?

D. T. Dhage

Department of Political Science, M. V. P. Samaj’s K. K. Wagh Arts, Science, And Commerce College, Pimpalgaon (B.), Nashik, 422209, Maharashtra, India.


Numerous disciplines have been changed by nanotechnology, which is the manipulation of matter at the atomic and molecular size. The possibility that nanotechnology may be a catalyst for political change is discussed in this research. We study how the uses of nanotechnology might affect power relations, democratic processes, and international order by looking at the nexus between technology, society, and governance. Here discussed how nanotechnology might improve or subvert current political systems. Investigating its potential to address global issues including energy security, healthcare inequities, and climate change is part of this. We also explore the ethical ramifications of nanotechnology, covering security, equality, and accessibility concerns. The study makes the case that although nanotechnology has a lot of potential to benefit society, its effects on politics will be nuanced and varied. To guarantee that nanotechnology is created and applied in a way that advances human welfare and democratic principles, it is imperative to consider both the possible advantages and hazards. Through the promotion of critical discourse and responsible governance, the revolutionary potential of nanotechnology may be used for the benefit of society. In the end, this study hopes to spark debate on the complex link between politics and nanotechnology and to motivate academics, politicians, and the general public to participate in determining the direction of this potent technology.

Keywords: Nanotechnology; Political Transformation; Power Dynamics; Democratic Processes; Global Order

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