International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: August | Volume: 11 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 309-316

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240832

Analysis of the Youth Posyandu Program and Family Assistance Team in Efforts to Reduce Stunting in Tayu District, Pati Regency

Ulin Hasanah1, Mintarsih Arbarini2, Joko Sutarto3

1Master of Non-Formal Education, 2Department of Non-Formal Education, 3Department of Non-Formal Education,
Semarang State University, Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Ulin Hasanah


Education is held to equip the community, especially the less fortunate, with the ability to maintain health that can be used to improve their quality of life. This case study research was conducted to analyze the Youth Posyandu and Family Assistance Team programs and to examine the impact of the implementation of the program. The research conducted in Tayu District, Pati Regency from September to November 2023 is a qualitative research. Data collection was carried out by the researcher himself as a research instrument using interview, observation, and documentation guidelines. Data analysis was carried out using qualitative data analysis techniques. To achieve data validity, triangulation and observation extension were carried out. The results of the study showed that there was a positive impact on the target group, although it was still at the individual level. Therefore, the Youth Posyandu and Family Assistance Team that will be developed need to emphasize their sustainability and accountability in community empowerment efforts.

Keywords: program analysis, youth posyandu, family assistance team, non-formal education, impact

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