International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: August | Volume: 11 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 113-125

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240813

The Economic Performance of the Union of Kankelen Market Groups and the Nerica Union in the Prefecture of Faranah, Republic of Guinea

Fodé CISSE1, Abdoulaye CISSE2, Siba Kolín KOIVOGUI3, Diawadou DIALLO4, Yacouba CAMARA5

1,2Institut Supérieur Agronomique et Vétérinaire de Faranah, Département Economie Rurale, Faranah, Guinée.
3Université Générale Lansana CONTE de Sonfonia, Département Administration des Affaires, Faculté Sciences économiques, Conakry, Guinée
4Institut Supérieur Agronomique et Vétérinaire de Faranah, Département Agriculture, Faranah, Guinée
5Institut Supérieur de Technologie de Mamou, Département Energétique, Mamou, Guinée

Corresponding Author: Yacouba CAMARA


The strategic evaluation of the agricultural operations of the Union of Groupements marketaichers Kankelen and the Union NERICA in the prefecture of Faranah is based on the economic dimension that can highlight the challenges linked to market gardening and rice cultivation in this locality. The work of said evaluation presents a model for evaluating the economic performance of market gardening and rice farms on the economic performance of agriculture, drawing inspiration from the two unions in this prefecture. This work focuses on the multi-component approach to economic performance using the combination of ten (10) indicators structured into four components (economic and financial viability, independence, transmissibility and efficiency) whose judgment reference is based on the maximum possible performance score. As part of the proposed economic analysis, it is based on version 4 of the Farm Sustainability Indicator Method (IDEA). The application of this economic performance model of the UGMK and the NERICA union is based on ten (10) market gardening groups and nine rice growing groups. This evaluation extends to the level of the members of the different groups numbering three hundred and eighty-three (383) including three hundred and thirty (330) women, fifty-three (53) men and two hundred and fourteen (214) young people, we making it possible to identify the realities of economic vulnerability and the situation of fragility differentiated between groups of different unions and opens the vision to a renewal of the analysis of groups (healthy and failing) which is regularly implemented in this rural environment. The results obtained in relation to the maximum possible score of 100 points are as follows:
The union of Kankelen market gardening groups presents the following results: the economic performance scores of the seven (7) groups are greater than or equal to 50% and those of the three (3) others are less than 50%. Hence this union is economically efficient with an average score of 60.42%.
For the NERICA union, also presents the following results: five (5) groups present scores greater than or equal to 50% and those of the four (4) other groups are less than 50% so this second union is also economically efficient with a average score of 59.72%.
This work made it possible to know the economic performance of these unions through their groups in the prefecture of Faranah, Republic of Guinea.

Keywords: Economic performance, Exploitation, market gardening, Rice farming, viability, Sustainability, Guinea.

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