International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: August | Volume: 11 | Issue: 8 | Pages: 105-112

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240812

Method for Evaluation of the Energy Potential and Sizing of the Works of a Hydroenergy Site for the Establishment of a Mini-Hydroelectric Power Plant. Application : Tinkisso 2 Site in Dabola in the Republic of Guinea

Yacouba CAMARA1, Oumar KEITA2, Mamadou Dian KANTE3

1Institut Supérieur de Technologie de Mamou, Département Energétique, Mamou, Guinée
2Université de N’Zérékoré, Département d’Hydrologie, N’Zérékoré, Guinée
3Université Gamal Abdel Nasser de Conakry, Département Génie Civil, Conakry, Guinée

Corresponding Author: Yacouba CAMARA


The objective of this research concerns the evaluation of the energy potential and the sizing of the Tinkisso 2 hydro-energy site for the establishment of a hydroelectric power plant serving as an additional source to the existing power plant (1.65MW) for service. in electricity for the town of Dabola and its surrounding areas which currently have a need of 7MW. The methodology adopted for this study is that initiated by the Decentralized Rural Electrification Office (BERD), which consists of evaluating the potential by measuring hydrological and energy parameters using topographical tools such as: the telescope on a tripod, the GPS, graduated ruler, tape measure, float, etc. These parameters allowed us to choose the electromechanical equipment adaptable to the installation site of the hydroelectric power station and the determination of the dimensions of the loading basin.
At the end of this study, we obtained the following results:
For the evaluation of the potential: the available flow (41.81 m3/s), the reserved flow (3.35 m3/s), the equipment flow (38.26 m3/s), the gross head (45m), gross power (16.889 MW), net head (40.5m), useful power (11.628 MW);
For sizing: the diameter of the penstock (550 cm), the type of turbine is Francis, the frequency of the turbine (100 rpm), the type of generator is vertical synchronous, the number of groups (2) , the efficiency coefficient of the generator (96.1%), the length of the active steel of the stator (33 cm), the power of the chosen transformer (10 MW), the weight of the transformer (23.8 tonnes), the output voltage (35 kV), the length of the charging basin (44 m), the width (27.5 m) and the height (16.5 m).
The calculated installed power was compared to that of another study which led to a difference of almost 10%.

Keywords: Evaluation, energy potential, sizing, equipment, power plant, Guinea.

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