International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: July | Volume: 11 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 543-554

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240757

The Effectiveness of Andaliman Leaf Extract as an Environmentally Friendly Botanical Pesticide

Muhammad Taufiq1, Tri Yaninta Ginting2, Winda Sari Siregar3, Bagas Sriadi Syahputra4, Lutfi Fahrozi Hutasuhut5

1,2,3,4,5Agrotechnology Department, Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Muhammad Taufiq


The botanical pesticide from Andaliman leaf extract (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.) has been developed and tested to determine the mortality rate of beet armyworm larvae (Spodoptera exigua) and the biological safety of natural enemies (parasitoids and predators) over a four-day (96 hours) experiment. A non-factorial, completely randomized design was applied, with treatment types including control (P0), Soursop leaf extract (P1), Mahogany leaf extract (P2), Papaya leaf extract (P3), and Andaliman leaf extract (P4), each with a dosage of 50% and three replications for each treatment. The results showed that treatment P4 had the highest mortality rate (57.5%), followed by P2 (45%), P3 (27.5%), and P1 (25%). The highest average daily mortality of Spodoptera exigua larvae was also found in treatment P4 (4 larvae), followed by P2 (2 larvae), P3 (2 larvae), and P1 (1 larva). The average percentage of biological safety for natural enemies after the application of the botanical pesticide from Andaliman leaf extract showed a survival rate of 70% for parasitoid wasps (Trichogramma sp.) and 75% for predators ladybug (Cheilomenes sexmaculatus) which is still within normal limits. These results indicate that Andaliman leaf extract is effective as an environmentally friendly botanical pesticide.

Keywords: Andaliman, Botanical Pesticide, Environmentally Friendly, Leaf Extract

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