International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: July | Volume: 11 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 458-470

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240749

The Role of Fintech and Its Influence on Transforming Retailers from Informal Financial Sector to Formal Financial Sector

Harish D1, Dr. R. Vennila2, Dr. Rajith Kumar H B3

1Research Scholar, S.S. Patil Research Foundation B R Tambakad First Grade College and PG Studies Hirekerur, Karnataka.
2Research Supervisor, Department of Commerce, S.S. Patil Research Foundation B R Tambakad First Grade College and PG Studies Hirekerur, Karnataka.
3Director S.S. Patil Research Foundation B R Tambakad First Grade College and PG Studies Hirekerur, Karnataka.

Corresponding Author: Harish D


The rapid advancement of financial technology (fintech) is playing a pivotal role in transforming retailers from the informal financial sector to the formal financial sector. This paper explores the transformative role of financial technology (fintech) in promoting financial inclusion among retailers, particularly those operating within the informal financial sector. The study highlights key fintech innovations such as mobile payments, digital wallets, online banking, microfinancing platforms, Point-of-Sale (POS) systems, and digital bookkeeping. These technologies provide enhanced access to credit and financial services, improve transparency and record-keeping, reduce transaction costs, increase operational efficiency, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. The research emphasizes the significant impact of fintech on business operations and growth for retailers, fostering a shift from informal to formal financial sectors and contributing to long-term economic growth and stability. The study also identifies challenges and barriers to fintech adoption, including technological literacy, initial investment costs, regulatory compliance, and trust and security concerns. Policy recommendations include stronger government and regulatory support for fintech adoption, targeted financial literacy and education programs, incentives for informal retailers to transition to the formal sector, and the establishment of public-private partnerships to foster innovation. By addressing these challenges and implementing supportive policies, fintech can drive financial inclusion and economic development among retailers.

Keywords: Fintech, Retailers, Financial Inclusion, Informal Financial Sector, Mobile Payments, Digital Wallets, Online Banking, Microfinancing Platforms, Point-of-Sale (POS) Systems, Digital Bookkeeping.

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