International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: July | Volume: 11 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 398-405

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240742

Quality of Work-Life (QWL) Expected by Local Government Employees in the Regional Development Planning Agency (BAPPEDA) of Karo Regency

Cecilia Margaretha Br Barus1, Harmein Nasution2, Yeni Absah2

1,2Master of Management Study Program on Postgraduate School of University of Sumatera Utara

Corresponding Author: Cecilia Margaretha Br Barus


When the Quality of Work Life (QWL) required by human resources is by the QWL offered by the organization, a good relationship will be formed between the individual and the organization which is manifested in optimal performance, job satisfaction, employee engagement, etc. Many employees, especially local government employees, complain about low salaries, lack of work professionalism, career opportunities, poor working conditions, bad work culture and many other problems. This research was conducted to describe the QWL they currently get as local government employees, especially at BAPPEDA Karo Regency as empirical evidence of the question of why until now they remain as employees in local government and what factors can be managed to support the success of the transformation process in BAPPEDA Karo Regency. By conducting tests and interviews on a sample of 38 employees of BAPPEDA Karo Regency, 7 QWL factors were obtained, namely, the Assessment, Recognition and Rewards Factors, which are related to the performance appraisal system, the rewards obtained for the given performance; Factors of Self-Development and Growth and Social Relevance related to the opportunities for employees to develop and actualize themselves; Factors of Social Relations and Work Autonomy, related to relations between employees; Life Balance Factor, which is related to the balance between work time and personal life; Psychological security factor, related to stable income, old age security, and employment status; Factor of Attention to Workers' Rights and Facilities; Work Location Factors.

Keywords: QWL, Government Employee, Rewards, Self-Development, Social Relation

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