International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: July | Volume: 11 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 264-278

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240729

Analysis of Compensation, Work Motivation and Work Discipline on the Morale of Health Workers at the RSUD Prof. Dr. M.A Hanafiah SM Batusangkar

Yossy Fauziah1, Mohammad SyamsuL Maarif2, Furqon Syarief Hidayatullah3

1,3Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Management ,2Department of Management and Business, Faculty School of Business, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Yossy Fauziah


The new disease that has attacked the world is called COVID-19. This disease attacks all aspects of life, be it health, economy, social and politics. This causes the morale of health workers to decrease due to many factors including: low compensation while the risks faced are high, so that health workers lack motivation and also the level of work discipline. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of compensation and morale, motivation and morale, work discipline and morale, as well as the effect of compensation, work motivation and work discipline on morale and formulate scenario planning that can be applied at the Prof. DR.M. A Hanafiah SM Batusangkar Hospital. The method used is non-probability sampling with purposive sampling technique. The analysis method uses SEM-PLS and scenario planning. The location of this research at Prof DR M.A Hanafiah Batusangakar Hospital was conducted from September to December 2023. The population was 450 health workers, while the number of samples in this study was 244 health workers. The results in this study found that compensation had an effect on morale, work motivation had an effect on morale, work discipline had an effect on morale and compensation, work motivation and work discipline had an effect on morale and the scenario that could be applied was scenario IV (four).

Keywords: Compensation, Hospital, Work Discipline, Work Motivation, Work Morale

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