International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: July | Volume: 11 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 225-228

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240725

The Actants of the Verb in English Grammar

Irada Nadir Sardarova

Azerbaijan University of Languages, Baku/Azerbaijan


The article examines the variability of simple sentences with actant content in modern English. The sentence is presented as an important factor for communication. It is noted that for language to be a means of communication, there must be a sentence as in order to communicate, it is necessary to make a sentence. Any sentence has an actant (an argument). Actants are generally accepted as words added to the verb. A verb expresses an action or state.
Actants are entities or things that participate in the action, that is, the auxiliary means used when the verb performs any action can be considered as actants.  A noun phrase that acts as an agent of the main verb of a sentence is called an actant. Any part of speech used in a sentence is an actant in linguistics (valency grammar). Actants are considered to be elements that help reveal the meaning of the action or situation represented by the verb.

Keywords: actant, sentence, main, subordinate, action, state

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