International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: July | Volume: 11 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 176-184

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240719

Development of Character-Infused Mathematical Comic Media for Pancasila Student Profile in Improving Problem-Solving Abilities in Fourth Grade Elementary School

Nur Laili Septiani1, Rochmad2, Tri Suminar3

1,2,3Department of Master Elementary Education, Semarang State University, Semarang, Indonesia.

Corresponding Author: Nur Laili Septiani


Mathematical problem solving skills are important for students to have, but in reality, mathematics learning in schools has not been able to develop students' problem solving skills, besides that the integration of Pancasila student profile character education in mathematics learning needs to be maximized. One of the efforts that can be made is the use of innovative learning media and containing character education for Pancasila student profiles. This study aims to (1) develop a mathematics comic media design with character education of Pancasila Student Profile; (2) assess the feasibility of mathematics comic media media with character education of Pancasila Student Profile; (3) test the effectiveness of mathematics comic media with character education of Pancasila Student Profile on problem solving skills in Class IV SD.This research is a development research with the Borg and Gall model.  The R&D model in this study consists of 8 stages, namely: (1) potential and problems; (2) data collection; (3) product design; (4) design validation; (5) design revision; (6) product trial; (7) product revision; (8) trial use. The test subjects in this study were fourth grade students of SDN 01 Kalipancur. Data collection techniques using tests, questionnaires, and documentation. Data analysis techniques used product feasibility analysis, to determine the effectiveness of using the average test, classical completeness test, two-sample t test, proportion difference test, paired t test, gain test.The results showed that (1) the development process includes the stages of potential and problems, data collection, product design, design vailidaition, design revision, product triails, product revision, triail use so thait maithemaiticail comic mediai with chairaicter educaition Profil Pelaijair Paincaisilai is produced (2) the product in the form of maithemaitics comic mediai with chairaicter educaition Profil Pelaijair Paincaisilai is declaired feaisible by maiteriail experts, lainguaige aind mediai experts (3) the use of maithemaitics comic mediai with chairaicter educaition Profil Pelaijair Paincaisilai is effective in improving students' maithemaiticail problem solving skills. The conclusion of this study is thait the teaiching maiteriails for maithemaitics comics contaiining chairaicter educaition for the Paincaisilai Student Profile aire feaisible aind effective for students' problem solving skills.

Keywords: maith comics, problem solving, chairaicter, Paincaisilai student profile

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