International Journal of Research and Review

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Year: 2024 | Month: July | Volume: 11 | Issue: 7 | Pages: 90-108

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52403/ijrr.20240710

Unraveling the Symphony of Soil Fauna and Quality Parameters for Soil Sustainability: A Thematic Review

Zeeshan Ahmeda, Rana Mohsin Alib, Jawad Alia, Weixuan Liua, Junzeng Xua

aDepartment of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering Hohai University, Nanjing (210098), Jiangsu, China
bDepartment of Environmental Sciences Hohai University, Nanjing (210098), Jiangsu, China

Corresponding Author: Zeeshan Ahmed


Soil fauna, ranging from micro to macrofauna, are vital for nutrient cycling, soil structure, and ecosystem productivity. The relationship between soil quality parameters and soil fauna is a complex one, with each influencing the other's abundance, diversity, and ecological functions. This review brings together current studies on how soil quality parameters interact with soil fauna, with a strong emphasis on the implications for ecosystem processes and sustainable soil nutrient management. We specifically highlight the impact of pH, salinity (Electrical conductivity), dissolved oxygen (DO), Dissolved organic matter (DOM), and nutrient concentration (soil organic carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus) on soil fauna. The integration of soil fauna considerations into soil health assessments is not just beneficial, but a critical step towards improving ecosystem resilience and informing conservation strategies. This comprehensive approach enhances our understanding of soil organism interactions and promotes sustainable soil management practices.

Keywords: Soil fauna, Soil quality parameters, sustainable soil management, ecosystem resilience

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